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About Us

Competition Policy International (CPI) is an independent knowledge-sharing organization focused on the diffusion of the most relevant antitrust information and content worldwide. We recognize the importance of intellectually sound and balanced debates and aim to promote them across the world in the most innovative ways available.

Our mission is to create a truly global community of antitrust experts to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas at the highest level.

Created and managed by leaders in the competition policy community, CPI delivers timely commentary and analysis on antitrust and global competition policy matters through a variety of media and applications.


CPI releases daily, weekly, and monthly antitrust-focused publications. Our work reaches out to several thousands of readers including enforcers, judges, lawyers, economists and academics in over 150 countries.

We have hosted more than 15,000 authors, sharing their thought-provoking articles each month covering the most relevant aspects of antitrust law & economics.

The Antitrust Chronicle, our signature publication, is released bimonthly and consists of articles written by leading experts in competition law and economics. Articles focus on a specific topic at the forefront of competition law and policy debates. Check out all our issues here

CPI Columns are released regularly to provide up-to-date analysis on the most current antitrust issues. Our Columns have regional and topical coverage. Read more here.

CPI also publishes books. Our books are available in hard-cover, paperback, and electronic formats. Check what’s new from our bookshelf.

Have an idea or proposal for an article or book? Contact us


CPI devotes great effort to creating a truly global antitrust community where people can share knowledge, develop ideas, and connect with other professionals in their field. We promote solid antitrust dialogue through our events all around the world.

CPI believes in the power of technology as a tool for increasing our reach and facing the challenges presented by a changing world. We are pioneers and strong promoters of the use of these technologies, developing a series of ‘Virtual Events’ to help increase the reach and accessibility of antitrust discussions and connect with an ever-wider audience

  • Conferences

Since 2018, CPI holds an annual conference at Harvard Law School to discuss the challenges to antitrust in a changing economy.

CPI has also launched a global conference project to dive into the developments and efforts geared towards promoting dynamic competition in dynamic markets. We started in Australia with a conference at Melbourne Law School, with our next chapter taking place in Brussels, Belgium.

All our conferences are streamed live.

  • Roundtables

Every year, we hold private roundtables to facilitate discussions on specific topics attended by selected antitrust experts around the world. CPI is the only private organization with a permanent presence at the annual meeting of the International Competition Network (ICN).

The Latest locations include Singapore, Porto, New Delhi, Cartagena, Sydney, Paris, London, etc.

Participants in our events include well-known economists, academics, lawyers as well as enforcers and in-house counsels.

Virtual Events
Starting in 2018, and further encouraged by recent global events, CPI has developed a series of ‘Virtual’ events, accessible worldwide through our streaming platform. These include:

  • CPI Live
    60-75 minute events with up to 6 participants discussing a broad range of antitrust issues, from new book releases to national and international developments in application and enforcement of antitrust law and competition policy. Topics are proposed by the CPI Editorial Team or suggested by our Partners and Sponsors.
  • Special Policy Sessions
    CPI is proud to be the exclusive media partner for CRESSE with whom we have developed a series of 3 Special Policy Sessions accessible through our Streaming platform. A further series is already in the works, as well as our special Antitrust Chronicle publication covering the topics covered in this event.
  • Virtual Roundtables
    70-90 minute sessions on a structured schedule, featuring 10-12 selected participants. These “closed door” sessions are recorded and made available along with special editions of the Antitrust Chronicle.

Learn more about our live events here.

Have an idea or proposal for collaboration? Contact us


CPI develops its antitrust content through various media tools.

You can listen to our Chronicles on the go. Check our CPI Audio series here.

You can watch what key-antitrust experts have to say about crucial topics on our CPI Talks, conducted globally. Watch them here.

CPI is “social” too. Follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn to stay connected and engage with our growing community.


CPI wants to make keeping up to date with antitrust and competition news and developments as easy as possible for our community. We now have a number of different Newsletters available to our community, allowing them to customize the level of engagement and receive condensed and readily accessible information right in their Inbox. Our free newsletters include:

CPI Daily News – With the latest news events, columns, and other publications by CPI.
CPI Live – Announcing and explaining upcoming and available Live Events.
CPI Talks – Featuring our latest and most impactful interviews with leading figures in the antitrust and competition world.
CPI Columns – Displaying our latest columns, in easy-to-access format.
CPI Blog o’ Blogs – Our monthly selection of the best Antitrust blog posts, articles, and other content posted around the web.

Sign up here (https://competitionpolicyinternational.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=66710f1b2f6afb55512135556&id=0ea61134a5) to get all these updates free straight to your inbox.


CPI devotes great effort to creating an antitrust community network where people can easily gain access to other professionals in their field.

CPI makes thousands of profiles available to our users, including those for lawyers, economists, academics, regulators, judges, institutions, and private companies to facilitate the exchange of ideas and opportunities.

Join our global community of antitrust experts here.